To look into the art of Dave Mckean is to look into places of unlimited intrigue, depth and range. The works are window openings into a mysterious and arcane psyche. The portals are many and vast as a journey outward into the stars or equally inward to the micro biotic multi-verses.

Mckean seduces and captures with the creations of his unbridled talent and imagination. His worlds are mystical, magical potions of the best alchemy. Mirror Mask, The Sandman, Wolves in the Wall, Coraline are among the stories, novels and films of Dave Mckean. They are all collaborations in part with his colleague/friend; the much admired writer Neil Gaiman.

In 1993 DC Comics would introduce their now legendary line
of graphic novels; Vertigo. Editor Karen Berger would enlist writer Neil Gaiman
for the initial series of books; “Sandman.” The entire line of books including
Gaiman’s “Sandman” were targeted for mature readers and are among the most
popular and celebrated of the Horror/Fantasy genre. Dave Mckean would join
“Sandman” as official cover artist mid-way through it’s run and his work would
become the art most associated with “Sandman.” They are also among Mckean’s
most recognizable and original creations. “Sandman would be described as:
“A comic strip for Intellectuals.”
Norman Mailer
Another author from the Vertigo Line; Grant Morrison had earlier
(1989) penned the then radical hard-cover novel, “Arkham Asylum: A Serious
House on Serious Earth.” His was a Dark Knight Tale remarkably conceived and
illustrated with Mckean’s extraordinary graphics and evocative paintings. It
remains a land-mark achievement and is in every sense a classical marriage of
prose and image.
As a film maker; Mckean’s seminal work to date is “Mirror
Mask.” It is yet another brilliant collaboration with Neil Gaiman and The Jim
Henson Company. The plot is a variation of Lewis Carroll’s “Through the Looking
Glass, and What Alice Found There.” The look is visually stunning with the
definitive style of Mckean’s best product. It is memorable as a cult film with
a distinct “indie” flavor.
The reflective study of the works of Dave Mckean is a
perfect start for a breezy October evening and then on; into the night.
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