The pen and mind of Quentin Tarantino have produced works of
malevolence, humor, brutality and passion that illuminate a reflection of life
from a most incredibly unique perspective. His perspective is like none the
world of film or perhaps the world in any form has known before. Oh that we all
could be so blessed as Mr. Tarantino. The characters in his films are often cool
to a point of ice cold; violent and bloody (no kiddie stuff here) but they are
never lacking of a strong wit to complement their cunning. Tarantino; the
magician that he is, makes movies of thought and complexity that are immensely
“Reservoir Dogs” was his first directorial piece but his
“Pulp Fiction” burst upon us like nothing before. This powder keg would
dramatically change and challenge every established notion of film. “Pulp Fiction,” something so radical, so
different that nothing worthy of comparison has appeared since; except for perhaps
some of Quentin’s own works. There’s nothing close to his level. He has spawned
some imitation that at best serves merely as flattery. Tarantino is much
flattered by his imitators. “Pulp Fiction” revived the career of John Travolta,
show-cased the talents of Samuel L. Jackson and made the sound track central to
the story telling. The timing and pacing of the piece was everywhere at once
and the ending of the film is the chronological center of the actual events.
Great job Quentin!

The list of Tarantino films continues to grow longer and
they are increasingly more intriguing. There is talk of a third “Kill Bill” and
I’m expecting “Django” to be at least a trilogy; possibly a series. Django and
Broom Hilde are prime for a civil war Bonnie and Clyde in a second outing. The
third would take place in the reconstruction years and most likely unfold out
west in the true “Cowboy” era.
Quentin Tarantino;
one heck of a film maker. Watch out! He’ll be back and I can hardly wait.