
Showing posts with label Alt.Right. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alt.Right. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The ReBirth of a Nation???

This is “The Age of Donald Trump.” This era of political and social unrest, of chaos and violent death; he owns. It is his. We try to look to him for healing and thoughtful resolve…we will not find it…it does not reside within the man or within his words.

The events last weekend in Charlottesville Va. happening figuratively in my own back yard. I live in Va. not really so far from that town. As every thinking and caring person by this times knows; it was a horrific two days that culminated in the death of a caring and dedicated young woman; Heather Heyer. People of good faith around the world mourn her death along with two state troopers that lost their lives. These men merely doing their jobs (to protect and to serve.) It is Heather’s death that will have the most lasting impact. Her mother has vowed to not let her daughter’s death be in vain. She will take up the mantle, the fight against oppression and hate. In that she will vindicate Heather’s life and goals. We must support this as we support our better selves.

In anger and zealous rage an insane man rammed his car into a group of counter-protesters to his rallying of white supremacy. His cowardly act resulting at best, in illuminating the danger of the condoning and coddling of his kind of ignorance and vitriol. And in answer to all of this what do we learn of President Donald John Trump? He will not denounce his own.