Friday, August 5, 2016

Neal Adams:The Art of Comic Book Art

This might be something of interest. There are those individuals historically and culturally ranking at the top of every human endeavor. Artists, politicians, scientists…those worthy of note. I recently joined the Neal Adams Appreciation Page on Facebook and have blogged about him here before. In the field of comic book art and graphic story-telling serving both as writer and illustrator Neal Adams remains consistently at the top. He is without doubt my personal favorite and probably among any list of the top three “All Time” favorites imaginable in this remarkably crowded field. Neal Adams: The Best-Ever-All Time!

The first illustration (top of page) from Batman Comics shows off his depth of cover illustration. The sense of urgency, the lighting and minimalist composition is shocking and intriguing to the viewer. It is a must read. What is the meaning of this unsolvable conundrum? How and why would Batman kill himself Bruce Wayne?

This next drawing is from Adam’s run on The Spectre Comics. It is a work that I am convinced belongs in the collection of MoMA or The Whitney. It should hang alongside Warhol, Lichtenstein and Johns. The composition is “perfection” the drama, shock, word placement and draftsmanship are all notable. This is among the finest that “Pop Art” has to offer. 

This is exactly what Adam’s does best; like no other (below). This page is original in design, layout and is cinematic in form. The dramatic lighting and attention to detail in the close-up portrait is amazing. His command of tool is masterful.

The Art of Neal Adams literally sings like no other. His is a treasure that to those who love and cherish his works is unsurpassed in an abundant field of brilliance.

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