Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Annunciation

When the angel Gabriel visited The Virgin Mary the seed was sown that would in time effect and influence both directly and indirectly every human life to follow.


 The event we call “The Annunciation” is equally dramatic and sublime. This moment, this event remains important. From over two thousand years past into the present and into the duration of mankind’s existence; it remains.  Great artist have depicted and continue to laud and cherish “The Annunciation.”


 This gallery of mankind’s greatest masterworks consists exclusively of variations on the theme of “The Annunciation”.


El Greco, Jan Van Eyck, Botticelli, Leonardo, Mani Klarwein, Rubens, Giotto, FraAngelico, Henry O. Tanner, Rossetti and still others are represented here. The beauty of their work is a testament to something far greater and infinitely grander. The magnificent scope and range of God’s love and promise to we who inherit the earth.


The Christmas season is in full bloom at this point and has totally engulfed us. This season of perfect love of faith of hope is truly remarkable. We embrace it whole heartedly. We cherish it completely. By this time the Scrooge and Grinch that inhabits our existence at other times of year should be dispelled from our souls. We can share in this compelling story and celebration with all of Earth and Heaven. We can feel, see and hear the glory and sharing of “The Christ Child” and the promise of his life like no other time. We are fortunate and blessed as the generations before and those to come will be.


               As in the title and lyric of the great Christmas Carol:
                      " God rest ye merry…as we celebrate by giving."


  1. Mati Klarwein's is my favorite!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Thank you for your presentation of the Annunciation. I wonder what you would paint for the Annunciation.
