
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Eyvind Earle a Fraternity of One

The extraordinary Eyvind Earle lived “The Artist’s Life” to its truest perfection and fulfillment. He was born to two creative nurturing parents. His mother a classical pianist and his father a painter that studied with some of the most respected artists of his time (most notably the champion Bouguereau.) It is not to say that Earle did not have set backs. As a child polio caused a life-long deformation of his mouth making it difficult for him to smile. But in spite of his affliction he became perhaps more focused and remained true to his calling in a most ambitious and dedicated way. In turn he would bring countless unconditional smiles to the many within the span of his creative journey through life.

He studied continually as he practiced his craft while traveling across country on his bicycle looking for subjects and inspiration. Earle also had the desire to make money from his work and was able to do so first with greeting cards and later to a far greater extent as a background painter for several Hollywood studios including United Artists and Disney. He was featured as the sole credited background artist for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty (something no other artist of yet has achieved.) The Sleeping Beauty paintings distinctive look of detailed verticality was influenced largely from medieval paintings and tapestries. He also contributed to “Lady and the Tramp,” “The Legend of Paul Bunyan,” and others. Earle would go on to opening his own production company where he garnished a number of commercial clients; Chrysler, Kellogg, Marlboro and he even created one of Universal Studios most intriguing animated logos. 

Eyvind Earle was always able to attract attention as a commercial artist. He returned to greeting cards several times over both on his on and for hire. There are collections devoted exclusively to his greeting cards. It would be within the refinement of fine art that Earle would find his greatest achievements. He would eventually come to work exclusively as a fine artist. He had realized early on that he had the ability to sell his marvelous paintings. This he used to great advantage. As his clientele’s scope grew and the polished works of his imagination became that of a world class nature; he prospered. Earle became a man and artist of tremendous success. He was particularly admired in Japan and the Asian influence along with a personal aesthetic and sensibility were actually very Japanese. It is much evident in his late work. Earle and Hiroshige surrogate brothers in craft and spirit. 

The works of Eyvind Earl are among a select group of artists that lead the viewer to a deeper, richer view of the world, life and the self. There is clarity within his art that transcends the physical. When viewing and experiencing Earle’s work there is a true feeling of the elevation of the spirit, of the heart. There is the union of both vision and mind coming together in a way truly unique, a Zen most sublime.  



Friday, September 1, 2017

Michelangelo Buonarotti Studies & Drawings

The works remain and will be revered as long as men and women revere and adore the works of the human hand, the works of the human heart and soul.  His are without question among the most treasured in history; arguable the greatest, the most sublime. The mortal Michelangelo Buonarroti has gained immortality through the realization of his prodigious talents. They are so much desirably so grand.

There is a strength tempered with nuance and subtlety in the works of Michelangelo that is unique in a way that at best can only be instructional and imitated. His work is to be returned to many times over the course of our own lifetimes as reference and a source of inspirational joy.

Michelangelo; first as sculptor, painter, poet, architect and planner was gifted beyond imagination and his physical strength mythical in power. The Sistine Ceiling (unsurpassed in scale and ambition) Moses and the Pieta all exhibit his might, control and then restraint tempered with care. 

The drawings and studies of Michelangelo beautiful and compelling as any finished work of art by any hand are chosen here for your pleasure. They are testaments to God, love and the spirit endowed. I hope your spirit will be filled and replenished as you view them, as is yours to decide.


Michelangelo Quotes

 “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”

 “From such a gentle thing, from such a fountain of all delight, my every pain is born.”

“I am a poor man and of little worth, who is laboring in that art that God has given me in order to extend my life as long as possible.”

“I hope that I may always desire more than I can accomplish.”

”If we have been pleased with life, we should not be displeased with death, since it comes from the hand of the same master.”

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The ReBirth of a Nation???

This is “The Age of Donald Trump.” This era of political and social unrest, of chaos and violent death; he owns. It is his. We try to look to him for healing and thoughtful resolve…we will not find it…it does not reside within the man or within his words.

The events last weekend in Charlottesville Va. happening figuratively in my own back yard. I live in Va. not really so far from that town. As every thinking and caring person by this times knows; it was a horrific two days that culminated in the death of a caring and dedicated young woman; Heather Heyer. People of good faith around the world mourn her death along with two state troopers that lost their lives. These men merely doing their jobs (to protect and to serve.) It is Heather’s death that will have the most lasting impact. Her mother has vowed to not let her daughter’s death be in vain. She will take up the mantle, the fight against oppression and hate. In that she will vindicate Heather’s life and goals. We must support this as we support our better selves.

In anger and zealous rage an insane man rammed his car into a group of counter-protesters to his rallying of white supremacy. His cowardly act resulting at best, in illuminating the danger of the condoning and coddling of his kind of ignorance and vitriol. And in answer to all of this what do we learn of President Donald John Trump? He will not denounce his own.