Sunday, August 1, 2021

Yo-Yo Ma: The Music

Yo-Yo Ma Doesn't Play Cello...

He is "The Cello."

The music seems to exude from his very being; his essence. His love, knowledge, commitment and mastery come together in a unique blend that translates to a beauty of grace and elegance that is a thing of purity. The sounds are for the enhancement, the pleasure, the being of the listeners, his audience. The cello is for all purposes merely “the instrument” of transference of his heart, his soul, the mind of this musical man; Yo-Yo Ma.

There have been and are other musicians, performers in the league of Yo-Yo Ma. They have lived throughout history; many lauded and some unknown, that we will never hear even in recordings. A few that fit the category, the mold for our time are his contemporaries Perlman, Shorter, Santana, Vidović.    They are the purest, the naturals. They are wonders. They take us to places of elation, understanding, comfort and bliss like only the few can achieve. 

Enjoy the recordings of Yo-Yo Ma. See him in concert. Cherish his gifts and be in the company of the treasured beauty of sound and the true greatness of the human spirit.