Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas 2020

This after the most blistering year

of our collective memory

We come to the close of the calendar year.

We celebrate what good,

what benefit and blessings we found.

We cherish and cheer the possibility of a new and bright future.

Have the best; the absolute best Christmas that anyone has ever had!



Sunday, November 8, 2020

Biden & Harris: A Victory for the Ages

 Joe Biden Has labored long and diligently for this nation; locally, in the senate, as Vice President and resulting in today’s vote count he has been elected President of the United States of America. This is no small feat. He and his running mate; Kamala Harris have prevailed against tremendous opposition and what some would call impossible odds. By the grace of God, Almighty the election was decided by the American citizens, America’s diverse populous.  

To paraphrase a lyric from a popular nineteen sixties radio song. “The dark days are done and the bright days are here.” The meaning being that Biden wants to reunify the country and work across the aisle with Republicans as one nation; “neither Red nor Blue; but as one.” The realities are Biden will not solve all of the nation’s problems; no administration can do the impossible. In light of this the Bidden administration will give all their heart and being to a glorious quest of righting many of the nation’s ills and paving a better future. Biden is in certain ways the embodiment of the legendary literary character Don Quixote. The spirit of that great novelized figure has been missing in our contemporary world order and dealings with all aspects of life. 


The road to success has not been a straight or easy path. He has faced personal losses and hardships while he has yet to succumb to total defeat. In the words of his colleague and supporter Jim Clyburn; “Biden never learned to stay down; he always rises to the occasion.  His losses become opportunity for growth while always fighting the good fight.”

As a woman of color, mixed race and the daughter of immigrants’ Kamala Harris; in the minds of many, would never rise to the office of Vice President. She has defied the odds and made history. She will prove to be an excellent choice as she works with Joe Biden in the best interest of all citizens.

I write this blog on the day of the announcement of the Democratic candidate’s victory; following the counting of an enormous number of citizens turning out as early voters, on November third and equally many more voting by mail in ballots.  It has been cause for an abundantly protracted amount of time of counting of ballots. In spite of this there is the presence of peaceful gatherings in the streets and avenues of America. There is a new optimism and hope. There is also relief and tears of comfort and consolation.  The nation will be made whole. 

Biden and Harris have since spoken from Delaware to a large receptive crowd of well-wishers, supporters and the press. Their speeches were hopeful, powerful, and informative and stuck the right opening tone for what is to be the Biden era. Following Harris’s acceptance speech and introduction Biden burst onto the stage in a full trot/sprint showing the strength and vigor of a man energetic and excited about taking on the job of Commander and Chief of a Great Nation, the strongest in the world, the United States of America. Fire Works, music and reveling followed; again making for a sense of truth, beauty and optimism.    

Congratulations President-Elect Joe Biden; Congratulations Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. We love you both! We look forward to the next four years. We wish you every success!   

Sunday, August 23, 2020

When The White House Went Dark

 Sunday night May 31st 2020 The White House goes dark. President Donald Trump hides in the bunker beneath the main floors strickened in personal terror. Police and protesters clash in the streets outside; around the surrounding grounds of the White House and throughout other parts of the nation’s capital. 

Metaphorically and philosophically the White House and nation went dark in a somewhat gradual and very real moral way when Mr. Trump was sworn into office January 1st 2016. His presidential  lies, half-truths and fabrications began with Trump disputing the crowd size of his inauguration over President  Obama’s.  He declared war on the press calling  all reportage that painted him in a bad light or was contrary to his twisted narratives “Fake News.” He extended his ire to his own intelligence community and the FBI. He was out of the blocks with a vengeance and there was no “Honey Moon” for “Mr. Trump,”   

The current climate of unrest is tied to the death of African American Citizen; George Floyd at the bidding of four Minneapolis police officers, Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic  and a greatly suffering economy. 

 At the present Trump continues to tout false cures, untested procedures and quackery as remedies for the corona virus and uses race bating and brutality as solutions to civil disobedience. In his own mind the crumbling economy and unemployment rates are fine so these things are not even addressed. If at all he wants to dangerously reopen all businesses and social activities. This in spite of warnings from his own medical advisors and scientific authorities. Members of his cabinet and appointees are filling the jails as much as they are implementing  policy. Many of the president’s men have been indicted and many convicted (at least six individuals) for criminal activities, a number of which they have admit to. The numbers include his personal lawyer’s paying of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels for various extra marital escapades with his boss. Most recently his advisor Steve Bannon was arrested for fraud and is currently out on bail as he awaits trial. 

                                                          Unrest @ The White House

Trump when not playing  golf remains busy. He is at this moment trying to suppress voting by shutting down the USPS with the aid of his crony Louis DeJoy; Post Master General who is also his ardent supporter and campaign donor.  DeJoy is removing mail sorting machines, mail boxes and cutting workers over-time hours across the country.  This due to Trump believing fewer voters equal fewer votes against him and will benefit his campaign in the end. The Trump  abuses of power, ignorance and attempts to form a sort of dictatorship  not unlike Putin’s Russia are very important to him. His intentions are to subvert the constitution while staying in power for as many years as possible.  He would love to destroy our system of a three branch system of government with clear separation of powers at the federal level. In this he is most dangerous; a true threat to democracy. 

Lastly and equally distressing is Trump’s allusions  to and possibly mentally delusional remarks on the fore mentioned idea of his staying in office after what he will surely call an unfair and rigged election. This is of course if and when he hopefully and prayerfully loses his bid for reelection.  The election happens in a period just over two month from now. Given that he might   attempt to stay in the White House beyond his term I am convinced that he will be evicted shortly after the swearing in of former Vice President and Senator Joe Biden. He will be removed (if not by his own free will) then by members of the Secret Service or if need be the United States’ Armed Forces (Rule of Law will prevail) as Biden takes over the reins of Commander in Chief after his swearing into office; the afternoon of January 1st 2021.

The Trump Bomb

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Untimely Death and Aftermath of George Floyd

 How long does it take to kill a man? What method of murder is the most efficient? What is the price of a human life? The answer to these questions are wide and varied, almost unlimited. In the particular horrific case of George Floyd we have certain answers. 

The untimely death of Africa-American George Floyd came about four weeks ago on May 25th. He was sentenced, tried and executed by four White police officers. Three to physically commit the act and as with every daylight crime, one assigned to be lookout. This being done to prevent any by-standers from intervening. The motto; “To protect and to serve” took on a unique and unintended meaning that day. The officers protected their Minneapolis community from a handcuffed, physically restrained helpless man as they served their unanimous decision to terminate him. All following little deliberation and committed without passion, effort or struggle. They did exhibit a sense of coolness, emotional distance and callousness. Their hands in their pockets in a manner of normalcy and familiarity with the inflicting of death. Due to being captured on video this tragedy shortly became national and international news. The results of which are still growing and resonating. The world collectively heard a plea for mercy; one that we had heard before but somehow expected to not hear again: “I can’t breathe.” 

The time passage in the case of George Floyd’s death was approximately eight minutes. Eight minutes for the breath to leave his lungs, his heart’s beating to stop, his brain functions to cease and for the accused police officers to feel comfortable that this man was beyond any chance of recovery. 

 The method of murder was death by the collective weight of approximately seven hundred pounds placed stratigally on Floyd’s back and neck; again, as he lay helpless. The knee of one officer (Derek Chauvin) conveniently slid between the head and shoulders on Floyd’s vulnerable and weak human neck. This as Chauvin strategically increased pressure from time to time while ignoring Floyd’s begging to him and his other assailants; “please…I can’t breathe…” 

The price was a mere twenty, presumed counterfeit dollars. From the point of view of his murderers the equivalent of nothing; a valueless existence.

In the following days and weeks; the aftermath of Floyd’s death, the United States have seen many drastic and well documented events in response. Protests both peaceful and violent, marches from coast to coast and a new and deeper, inclusive meaning of “Black Lives Matter” has emerged. Spain, Syria, Australia and the UK are among the vast world nations to march and exhibit symbols of solidarity with Americans in this crisis. 

 There has been positive dialogue, genuine anguish along with public and police reaching out and coming together in unity. We have seen and heard both good and bad words and actions from law enforcement and politicians. Mural tributes to Floyd’s sacrificial death have sprung up; again nationally and internationally. NASCAR has removed the symbol of oppression and slavery; “The Battle Flag of the Confederacy” (“The Stars & Bars”) from all of their racing events. This as many iconic and offensive statues of racist historical figures are toppled and removed. There are even calls to defund and abolish the dated form of American policing.  

There are many signs of hope amid the chaos. We can learn from all that is happening in this current time of unease with COVID-19 also not showing many signs of deflating or going away. There is no doubt that these are unusual, uncharted stressful times. Yet times given the opportunity that can see political and spiritual lasting agents of change.

To date across the country and abroad the protests continue, the marches and the rallies continue. An abundance of good will offerings continue along with the deaths of innocent Black Men and Women; American Citizens, at the will and discretion of the Nation’s Police continuing as well.   


Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID-19 The Corona Pandemic

The world is under siege. Massive lock-down, hoarding and largely fear is ruling in the many corners and epicenters of as many nations. It is ensnaring epic numbers of people in pain and suffering both physical and psychological. Without argument the coronavirus is infecting relentless numbers and is the most serious medical crisis we have faced in generations. Along with the infections; of course, come large numbers of deaths; the ultimate price/disaster. It is primarily sentencing the elderly communities but all ages can become and are the virus’ victims. People with chronic diseases along with the elderly are most at risk and the chief victims; those with heart disease, lung disease and MS are the types of related afflictions represented in the highest numbers of deaths; victims in this pandemic. It is a thing of a nature that the majority of the world’s citizens have not experienced or seen. Now; with all this said, “There is still hope and COVID-19 will not ultimately win.”

This systematic war is largely trench warfare and we are in said trenches.  Every one of us fights by keeping our distances (6 feet) whenever possible, covering our coughs and sneezes and avoiding crowds. Also; wash your hands and self-quarantine when necessary. We do what we can as the Pharmaceutical and scientific worlds search for treatments and a cure. The fact is that there is no magic bullet and time is a factor as much as it is of the essence. 

                  Stock Up But Don't Hoard!

Another way we fight for and to protect our families, friends and neighbors as well as ourselves is to listen to facts and follow experts. There are leaders who should better understand human nature and this epidemic but choose to speak from their “guts” and not their heads. Always listen to those in the “medical know” those who have dedicated their lives to treatment and disease prevention (the CDC.) Listen to reporters and leaders that respect and honor truth over fear and personal posturing. We can and will win in this current environment largely of the undiscovered and the unknown.
At the moment of the writing of this Blog I personally know of no one that has contracted the Coronavirus.  I know a very small number that are under limited lock-down because of exposure to possible infection. In that I am fortunate. I am looking/hoping/praying   for their exoneration from the disease. My area is not a large urban center and maps are showing that the less densely populated areas are not seeing large numbers of cases or even deaths by volume or either percentage. This is a blessing.   

Daft Punk May Have Always Had The Right Idea.

I urge everyone to send up a few extra prayers and make every personal effort humanly possible in preventing the spread of this horror in this; the time of COVID-19, The Coronavirus. We support all and I wish everyone good health and good fortune.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Mayan God Camazotz: The First Batman

There is a link between religion, faith and the fantastic; the heroic. Among my first bedtime stories both read and told to me were the mythologies of Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.  These were no less equal to the biblical tales and exploits of Samson, David and Noah among others I was introduced to early on. Each in their own way amazing and all miraculous. Would Jesus be as effective had he not walked on water, cured and fed multitudes and eventually raised from the grave himself? Questions…                                 

 There are abundant similarities in ancient mythologies, texts and carvings and associations with our modern mass communications.  One deity and theme that seems to be timeless and multi-cultural is the man-bat or in our popular culture “Batman.” The Mayan’s worshiped what seemed the first bat demi-god in their own Camazotz.  He was half man, half bat, full of mystery and vengeance. He dates back culturally as far as 200 yrs. B. C. and he is still being researched today. The Mesoamericans viewed their bat deity as terrifying and like ever good bat lusting for blood. There were thousands of sacrifices made to him. He would; as to legend emerge from his bat cave nightly and was even connected to the creation of mankind. His visage, persona and legend were equally terrifying. His totems were used for protection and to ward off evils.  This principle element was again not unlike our own, much beloved and lauded Batman.
The Mayan Man-Bat creature aroused from his cave in a chronicled tale of a once vengeful murder of the Mayan hero Hunahpu. The blood lust associated with Camazotz was tremendous and legend says he killed his victim by decapitation. The similarities here are much closer to Bram Stoker’s “Dracula.” Camazotz is linked to both nocturnal characters (Batman and Dracula.) This attests to the richness of the ancient culture’s imagination in multiplicitous forms including writings, stone and stories.

There is no shortage of interpretations; but the idea of the “Batman” abounds, especially for our southern Mesoamerican neighbors and ourselves.  In the end it is all about the idea. The myths live on across space and time, across cultures. They are as envisioned in and through “The Batman” whether intended or unintended and in their magnificence; eternal.

“I shall become a Bat!”

“…and thus is born this weird figure of the dark…this avenger of evil...The BATMAN

The art featured on this page range from the minds and hands of Bob Kane, Neal Adams and original Mayan drawings to the spectacular “Camazotz Armour”
 from the phenomenal designer Kimbal.

 Camazotz Bat Armour

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Absinthe "The Green Fairy"

This alcoholic spirit has taken on a certainly unusual mystique, legendary stature and even persona like no other. Absinthe; “The Green Fairy” is the drink that inspired a generation of artists and writers in Europe (particularly France and Spain) in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This thriving culture lasted until it was banned because of tons of bad press, word of mouth and a binge drinking farmer that topped off a day of mixing a variety of other intense booze with a bottle of absinthe, murdering his wife and finally suicide.
My first knowledge of absinthe came from my high school studies of the great bohemian artists of and around France. Degas, Lautrec, Van Gogh and later Picasso would consume the drink as well as paint saloon patrons and often reference the beverage.  Writers like Hemingway and Wilde were also fans. Theirs were heady and decadent times. They were also times of the most productive, both experimentally and creatively the world has of yet seen. Absinthe was the Heroin, LSD or Meth of it’s day all served in a unique customized reservoir glass.  

The spirit has recently made a comeback in all of it’s myth and glory to most of it's once banned (almost 100 years) European countries and the United States. “The Green Fairy” is available with the most crucial ingredient; wormwood. The botanical substance derived from a flower is essential to the proof rating and power of the drink. 

One of the greatest pleasures of the absinthe experience is the finishing of the fermentation process traditionally done per glass. It is a somewhat but not overly involve thing. The finishing, almost ritualistic, process requires an absinthe (specially designed flat/sieved) spoon or sufficient substitute, sugar cube, cold water and a glass. First add about 1 oz. absinthe to your glass. Next; balance your spoon on the top of your glass and center the sugar cube. Then slowly drip/dissolve the sugar with the cold water. It is important that this is done slowly.  Usually the ratio is two or three parts water to one part absinthe. Absinthe is one of the more powerful spirits and begins usually at 110 proof. The amount of water mixed should be accorded to your own expectations. BE CAREFUL.

Another warning is; Absinthe is sometimes served “Bohemian Style” where the contents are set to blaze. This is completely unnecessary and is only a form of showmanship. This should not be tried by unprofessionals as in Washington D.C. Absinthe Bars only allow licensed practitioners. These servers alone are legally allowed to be Absinthe Mixologist. 

I made my first time trying Absinthe a complete and full event. I started with looking into selected art books from the Impressionist period through to early Cubism and Da Da. I followed that with watching Peter Sellers in a “Pink Panther” compilation, that; just for the laughs and then followed with singer Sade in concert. She has always impressed me with being a Saloon Singer/Entertainer in the vein of Django Reinhardt, Edith Piaf and Josephine Baker. I was impressed with this heady spirit; Absinthe, it’s pale green color, herbal flavor, licorice bouquet, historical provenance and sophistication. Hope your’s goes equally and deliciously well. Cheers!  

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Who's Watching???

A young child sits in a darkened movie theater enthralled; viewing a black and white silent film. This; as a young woman plays the music score on piano, apparently agonized and anguished for some as yet unknown reason. The film is of a masked heroic figure pursuing an apparent villain, both on horseback, in some epic of the American Old West. The scene is reminiscent of the sepia toned opening of the classic “Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid.” Both woman and child are African-American. The scenario is about to drastically change as gunfire, aerial bombs and shouts of horror, pain and insults engulf innocents on the streets outside of a once peaceful, almost idyllic town.  This jarring opening is based on the real life “Black Wall St. Massacre” in Tulsa Oklahoma’s Greenwood District in 1921. 

We fast forward to modern times and almost everybody is masked. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? Who and what was the cause of the aforementioned carnage? Why is shrimp/sushi raining from the sky? These are the overriding questions of the premier episode of “Watchmen?” Questions that essentially remain unanswered well into viewing subsequent episodes of the new HBO television series and sequel to the brilliant graphic novel “Watchmen.” 

Originally published in standard monthly comic book installments “Watchmen” was later collected in its entirety and released for readers in the nineteen eighties. It was created by artist Dave Gibbons and writer Alan Moore. It has been much lauded and revered over the years; even chosen by Time Magazine for the top 100 novels released within the years of the magazines conception. “Watchmen” exists in an alternative universe and like every good comic book world there are visions of the fantastic, the futuristic and humor along with ample doses of hysteria and dystopia. 

This satisfying T.V. series by design is complete as a story unit and by decision of creator Damon Lindelof feels like there is no necessity for any further episodes; although someone in the future might have ideas for additional stories. Damon Lindelof has done a brilliant job of production, narrative, and received phenomenal performances from a cast of extremely gifted actors of passionate professional skills and inspiration. Regina King, Don Johnson, Lou Gossett Jr., Jean Smart, Tim Blake Nelson, Jeremy Irons, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II and Hong Chau all starring and feature in illuminating ways.   

“Watchmen” is provocative, disturbing, eye-popping and triumphant television. Watch the compelling first of nine episodes and you will quite likely be committed to seeing it through to a conclusion both jarring and elusive.