Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bill Sienkiewicz "REVOLUTION"

 The arrival of Bill Sienkiewicz’s “Revolution” has been cause for much personal celebration and many declarations. I am a committed and constant follower and admirer of his art. I remember him from his early “Neal Adams Clone Days” and still seeing something of a potential and particular originality in what he was doing. Many comic book artists of the period were doing Adams; he was the standard of the times, so Sienkiewicz was hardly alone in following the Adams example.  At the outset Bill Sienkiewicz had the distinction of being the best of the Adams’ influenced. Even in that he stood out. He captured the broad strokes and the nuances along with the imagination and innovation that made Neal Adams famous. Bill Sienkiewicz would ultimately come into his on with a vengeance when; as he describes in “Revolution” stops attempting to emulate someone else and becomes himself. He always wanted to experiment, explore and in his own way influence the world. He has done that in many ways and in the process influenced many others as he entertains and inspires while daring to express himself in what many considered a limited medium.


I more or less initially looked at this treasure of a book in two extended sessions. The opening ten pages spoke more than many enclypedic collections of other art and artists. Then I followed with the reading of the heart felt, precisely intriguing, witty and decisively cunning introduction by Neil Gaiman. The two; Gaiman and Sienkiewicz have collaborated successfully together in the past. They are equally noted for their experimental risks, daring natures and contributions as talents. That in turn was enough for me to absorb on one late evening after my copy arrived.

Returning to and then reading the informative and insightful Ben Davis essay and the compelling interview by Churl R. Kim I felt even more enamored of what could be described as the modest and uniquely American Mystique of Sienkiewicz’s persona.  Both essay and interview were further illuminated with yet more beautifully executed fine art influenced illustrations. I was in something of an intellectual and artistic bliss.

Finally I decided to take in the nearly one hundred fifty color and black & white plates of the expressive works; water-colors, acrylic, collage, mixed-medium and pen & ink works of pure genius. Here; I took a cue from Neil Gaiman. He detailed in the introduction that when working with Sienkiewicz he had taken the drawings sent to him for a Sandman story and played with them. Gaiman deviated from the sequence of his original narrative and essentially reversed and mixed the story sequence images and events. This established the need for an almost complete re-write for the material Gaiman had previously plotted. This option took him into uncharted and magnificent new places in his own uniquely personal imaginative spaces.   

I decided on following Gaiman’s lead in viewing  the remainder of the book starting from the last plate and reviewing them in reverse.  The material consisted of Jimi Hendrix, The New Mutants, Stray Toasters, Dare Devil and Elektra; along with pages from his sketch book and fine art renderings all generously offered. This came together into something thrilling, challenging, provocative and entertaining. I found myself touched and as well moved. Ultimately there was a sense of certainty and complexity; in the best way, a personal restoration of significant satisfaction. 

Bill Sienkiewicz Quotes

“I made a decision to love and respect comics as a medium. I believed it was a medium that could do anything.”

“I pursue the emotional truth of something as opposed to simply the visual truth.”

“We are all an evolving combination of all the things we experience. We are an end result of our influences, subconscious or otherwise.”

“If my work influences or touches other people scares them, makes them uncomfortable or brings them joy, it’s a method of communication.”

“At one point everything is brand new, but with time the new wave becomes the old guard.”

“Art is an ongoing and never ending process…you’re not done. You’re never done.”

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Picasso WORDS

The 20th Century produced an infinite number of great and innovative artists and minds. The movements, styles and schools go on endlessly. Dada, minimalism, abstract expressionism, pop and cubism are but a few idioms from the last hundred years or so. Picasso was at the forefront of many and the proponent of many more. He worked as a painter, ceramicist, sculptor, print maker and theatrical designer. With works numbering in the thousands he was considered by most experts to be number one in vast fields of practitioners.

The mind and talents of the man represent something unparalled in scope. It is only fitting that his words would be equally as impressive, witty and poignant as any of his other creations. His attributed quotes are as entertaining and richly original as would be expected of a man possessed of such genius. 

Picasso’s spoke on every subject. Among his particulars were of course art, creativity, imagination, the meaning and purpose of living and many other essentials of the genius mind as well as the everyday. By most accounts Picasso was no writer (imagine that) his quotes came largely from the conversations held with his friends and lovers; also members of the media and other inquisitive types were exposed to Picasso’s insights. His thoughts and opinions were self-expressions that propelled the artist and man through life. One of Picasso’s most interesting quotes summed up his passion, purpose and spirit of living. He was noted to have said; perhaps in jest; “Mass in the morning, Bull Fight in the afternoon and Brothel at night.” He was famous for his attentions and devotion to all three. He also said this small thing that summed up his prenominal work ethic; “I often paint two or three paintings in a single day. Afterwards; I will often paint another to relax.”    

Take a little time now and immerse yourself in the view points, wisdom and words of Picasso. And what would any text on Picasso be without the embellishment of his provocative, timeless, uniquely original and immaculate images?

Picasso QUOTES

“People don’t realize what they have when they own a picture by me. Each picture is a phial of my blood. That is what has gone into it.”

“When I paint my object is to show what I have found and not what I am looking for. What one does is what counts and not what one had intended of doing.”

“Painters should have their eyes put out like goldfinches to make them sing better.”

“When there’s anything to steal.
                 I steal.”


“Anything of great value-creation, a new idea-carries its shadow zone with it. You have to accept it that way. Otherwise there is only the stagnation of inaction. Every positive value has its price in negative terms and you never see anything very great which is not, at the same time, horrible in some respect. The genius of Einstein led to Hiroshima.”  

 “You mustn’t always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to tell lies, particularly when there is no answer.”



“No, painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war.”

The Power of Art
The Power of Art

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Hirshhorn INSIDE & OUT

I spent a couple of morning hours at the “Hirshhorn” a few Sundays ago. The “Museum and Sculptor Garden” located on Independence Ave. in Washington DC is in many ways my favorite place to view great art in it's diversive forms and incarnations. It was the museum’s extensive collection of sculpture that became my main focus of attention on that particular June Sunday. Castings from the great Rodin to moderns like Zúñiga and Moore are featured in their regal grandeur and authority. Kusama, Calder, Cave and Mueck  are also on view for study, enjoyment and Zen reflection…whatever way you choose to relate with these masters is available for locals and world travelers.



I have casually run into many great contemporary artists of the day and others at this Washington, DC site. Julian Schnabel, John Currin and his spouse; sculptor Rachel Feinstein. Historian and lecturer Simon Schama is another art world luminary I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at one of his Hirshhorn seminars. The Hirshhorn is a fabulous place and always new serving as both contemporary collectors of new pieces while possessing a unique and expansive permanent collection that is displayed in rotation. The Hirshhorn is always fresh and exciting.




There is ever a sense of discovery associated with walking around the sculpture garden that surrounds the physical building and extends to a lower level across Madison Dr. This can be both relaxing and comforting for the soul and spirit. Walk ways that lead to hidden treasures are many and you must be sure to explore them all.

The Hirshhorn opened in early 1974. I was actually one of the first visitors to this “museum in the round.”  It was even still under partial construction at the time. It has grown into a world class destination and is remarkable in it’s reach and depth of character and understanding with a distinct and unique perspective of the purpose of art. Currently artist Mark Bradford has the first continuous single artistic creation that encircles the entirety of the third floor’s interior walk way.  The outer walls became a 360’ projection surface in 2012 for artist Doug Aitken's "SONG 1” that was especially memorable for my personal mid-night viewing and experiencing  that "shock of the new.”

Enrico David

Enrico David

Enrico David

So much to see; so much to review, that I’m just including a sampling of what I saw during my morning visit. I’ve selected and presented here some historic, some new and all spectacular. I’m hoping that this is enough to wet any appetite for more and a visit of your own. Of special interest and featured as illustrations are the works of Enrico David (above.) This was my first exposure to his art and it had a tendency to jump out perhaps for that very reason. For those who haven’t already visited themselves; please for all purposes do visit the Hirshhorn when you can and I would love to compare notes with you on it’s many exhilarating wonders. 



Mark Bradford